How I can help

If you feel like you’re spending HOURS on Instagram and not getting the results you want I’m here to help!

  1. If you like running your account but want some pointers from a professional, then why not book on a one-to-one coaching session.

  2. Or if you want some more extensive advice, maybe it’s time to let me overhaul your Instagram strategy.

  3. Or join me at one of my regular workshops!

  1. One-to-one coaching

Do you want to know where you’re going wrong and how to put it right? Have you got stuck in a rut and are struggling to grow your account? Ready to make this year you really sort out your social media? Book an Instagram Power Hour and I will show you how.

“The session we had with Kirsty was brilliant! We discovered a wealth of new tips, tricks, and recommendations. We look forward to working with Kirsty again, and would not hesitate to recommend her services to anyone.”

— Garden Business

2. Instagram strategy

Are you about to launch your business and are just not sure how Instagram fits in? Or maybe you’ve been running your account for a while and you’re getting nowhere. Maybe it’s time for a strategy re-think? We’ll start with an analysis of what your competitors are doing and then move onto a strategy for across-the-platform success.

3. Workshops and events

I’ve been all over the country this year teaching reels and how to use Instagram for your business. You can have a glimpse behind the scenes at my most recent workshop in Norfolk here and if you’d like to know more then the very best thing to do is sign up to my mailing list below! Then you’ll be the first to know about all my courses and workshops - both in person and online!